Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence

Your Home Away from Home

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Welcome to Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence

Welcome to Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence

A boarding house located in Jl. Abdul Majid No. 25, Cipete, South of Jakarta. Where you can experience the comforts of home while exploring the vibrant city. We offer a luxurious and convenient stay in the heart of the urban landscape of Jakarta, making it your perfect home away from home.

About Us

About Us

A premier boarding house for seeking a unique and vibrant experience in South Jakarta City, Jakarta.

Front view Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Cipete. Jakarta Selatan

Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence is a boarding house in South of Jakarta.

It prime location offers easy access to business area, city attractions, shopping centers, local restaurants, and MRT station.

  • Our 23 spacious and modern rooms provide a comfortable and stylish retreat after a day of busyness in the city. Enjoy amenities such as complimentary Wi-Fi, clean pantry, spacious common area and a rooftop communal space with stunning city views while enjoy a cup of coffee.
  • Let our friendly staff to assist and help you during your stay.
  • Book your stay with us now and experience your home away from home. We can't wait to welcome you!
Book Your Stay 0812-1056-879
Room Rate Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence

Room Rate Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence

Our Boarding House has 2 types with different room sizes, Executive & Deluxe Rooms.

Executive Room

Executive Room

Executive Room are on the 2nd and 3rd floors.

Price List:

Monthly Package

"Affordable long-term stays with all-inclusive facilities for a comfortable living experience."

Single Rp 6.000.000/month.

Twin Sharing Rp 6.500.000/month.

22 sqm with private balcony.

The price includes facilities:

AC, Queen Size bed (matras cover, 2 pillows), smart TV, refrigerator, wardrobe, night stand, towel bars, office chair & desk, wastafel, rain shower, bathroom mirror with shelf, solar water heater, pre-paid by tenant room electricity.

  • Free Laundry 2 x 5kg/month.
  • House Keeping once a week.

Special Package

"Take advantage of our special rates! Enjoy greater value and exclusive discounts when you choose to pay for an extended stay in advance."

Single Rp 17.000.000/3 months.

Twin Sharing + Rp 1.000.000/3 months.

22 sqm with private balcony.

Deposit Required.

Weekly Package

"Flexible short-term stays designed to suit your dynamic lifestyle."

Single/Double Rp 2.500.000,-

Extend Rp 350.000/day.

22 sqm with private balcony.

No Deposit Required

Weekly Stay Offer:
  • Electricity included
  • Room Cleaning Services: Schedule on the 4th day of stay.
  • Linen Set Provided: Includes bed sheet, towel, pillowcase, and doormat ( 1 set for 7 days).
  • Bed Cover/Blanked Provided for comfort.
  • Free Laundry: One-time laundry service up to 5kg during your stay.
Complimentary Items:
  • 1 cup of Tomoro Coffee Aren Latte Regular.
  • 2 bottles of Mineral Water.
Extend Options:
  1. Daily Extend
    • Includes Electricity.
  2. 3 - 6 Days Extend
    • Fresh linen replacement: New bed sheet and towel provided.
    • Free Laundry: One-time service up to 3 kg.
    • 1x Room Cleaning Services included.
Deluxe Room

Deluxe Room

Deluxe Room are on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors with different prices.

Price List:

Monthly Package

"Affordable long-term stays with all-inclusive facilities for a comfortable living experience."

1st, 2nd,& 3rd Floors

Single Rp 5.500.000/month.
Twin Sharing Rp 6.000.000/month.
19 sqm with private balcony.

4th Floor

Single Rp 5.300.000/month.
Twin Sharing Rp 5.800.000/month.
19 sqm with private balcony.
The price includes facilities:

AC, Queen Size bed (matras cover, 2 pillows), smart TV, refrigerator, wardrobe, light room, towel bars, office chair & desk, rain shower, solar water heater, pre-paid by tenant room electricity.

  • Free Laundry 2 x 5kg/month.
  • House Keeping once a week.

Special Package

"Take advantage of our special rates! Enjoy greater value and exclusive discounts when you choose to pay for an extended stay in advance."

1st, 2nd, & 3rd Floors

Single Rp 15.700.000/3 months.
Twin Sharing + Rp 1.000.000/3 months.
19 sqm with private balcony.
Deposit Required.

4th Floor

Single Rp 15.100.000/3 months.
Twin Sharing + Rp 1.000.000/3 months.
19 sqm with private balcony.
Deposit Required.

Weekly Package

"Flexible short-term stays designed to suit your dynamic lifestyle."

Single/Double Rp 2.000.000,-

Extend Rp 285.000/day.

19 sqm with private balcony.

No Deposit Required
Weekly Stay Offer:
  • Electricity included
  • Room Cleaning Services: Schedule on the 4th day of stay.
  • Linen Set Provided: Includes bed sheet, towel, pillowcase, and doormat ( 1 set for 7 days).
  • Bed Cover/Blanked Provided for comfort.
  • Free Laundry: One-time laundry service up to 5kg during your stay.
Complimentary Items:
  • 1 cup of Tomoro Coffee Aren Latte Regular.
  • 2 bottles of Mineral Water.
Extend Options:
  1. Daily Extend
    • Includes Electricity.
  2. 3 - 6 Days Extend
    • Fresh linen replacement: New bed sheet and towel provided.
    • Free Laundry: One-time service up to 3 kg.
    • 1x Room Cleaning Services included.
Common Facilities

Common Facilities

Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence ensures a comfortable and secure living environment with comprehensive amenities.

CCTV Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Kemang

24 Hours Security and CCTV

Parking Space Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Abdul Majid

Car Parking Space

Security Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Cipete

Access Card

Fasilitas Air Minum Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Antasari

Purified Drinking Water

Dapur Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Fatmawati


Fasilitas wifi Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Kebayoran Baru

Free Wifi

Ruang santai Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Jakarta Selatan

RoofTop Communal Space

Fasilitas Kulkas Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Cipete


Why Choose Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence?

Our prime location offers easy access to Jakarta business area, shopping centres, and MRT Station that ensuring a comfortable stay for our guests. With our exceptional hospitality, modern amenities, and stylish accommodations, we strive to provide a comfortable and enjoyable environment.


Each room is equipped with modern furnishings, including a comfortable bed, ample storage, and a workspace. Elegant interior design and good lighting create a pleasant atmosphere for resting and working.

Common Areas

Enjoy the spacious common areas, perfect for socializing with fellow residents or simply relaxing. The lounge area features chair, table, lighting, and mini garden on the rooftop for your comfort.

Shared Kitchen

The clean and well-organized kitchen is equipped with the latest cooking equipment, microwave, ready-to-drink water filter, water kettle, utensils and spacious storage space, making food preparation easy and comfortable.

Rental Policies>

Rental Policies

Listrik Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Kemang


Pre paid by tenants

Parkir Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Abdul Majid

Car Parking Space

Monthly car parking lot fee Rp 300.000

Deposit Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Cipete

Room Rental Deposit

Room rental deposit Rp 2.000.000

Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Antasari

No Pet Allowed

For the convenient matter pet is not allow stay along with the guest

Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Fatmawati

No Smoking Room

Not allow smoking inside the building and room

Kost campur Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Kebayoran Baru

Room Mate Share

Room mate spouse must be married

Fasilitas Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Jakarta Selatan

Bed Cover Set

Bed cover set provided by tenants

Kost Campur Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Cipete

Mixed Gender

Room provided for men and women

Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Kemang

No Drugs

No drugs allowed

RoofTop Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Jalan Abdul Majid

Call To Action

Ready to make Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence your new home? Act now to book your room and embrace a lifestyle of comfort and sophistication. Contact us today!

Chat Bapak Kos

Guest Reviews

Hear from Our Happy Guests - Review from Google Business Profile. Experience the comfort and hospitality of Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence.

The staff is friendly, the rooms are clean, and the location is perfect for exploring the city. I had a wonderful stay. Thank you for the great hospitality!.


Very modern homey boarding house. The staff are very helpful, room complete with smart TV, mini fridge, and security camera everywhere making sure to have a safe place to stay. Strategic location with 24H access. Recommended!


Wonderfully built boarding house with all the necessities; TV, fridge inside room, fridge to share, filtered water dispenses, laundry, cleaning, kitchen including an array of equipment and tableware. Love the out door area, has a great view. Quite number of trees are nearby so we can hear birds chirping in the morning. A happier version of Jakarta is found hear. Owner is also very friendly. Hoping only the best for them and this place.


The place is beautiful, very comfortable, good services, thank you for everything Urban Residence.

Claudio Peralta

Extraordinary experience with complete facilities and guaranteed service and safety.

Bagus A

Our Partner

Our Partner

Laundry Coin Partner Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Kemang

AM25 Coin Laundry

AM25 Coin Laundry is conveniently located on the 1st floor. Apart from the complimentary amenities, guests can choose between self-service laundry or our convenient wash-dry-fold service.

Tomoro Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence di Abdul Majid

Tomoro Abdul Majid

Discover the rich aroma of premium coffee & indulge in delightful snacks at Tomoro Abdul Majid. Enjoy a cozy place & welcoming atmosphere, where every cup tells a story of quality.


Blog Post

Halo, warga Jakarta Selatan! Ada kabar gembira dari kami, manajemen Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence . Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan kehadiran Tomoro Abdul Majid , Coffee Shop premium dengan suasana nyaman, kopi berkualitas, dan fasilitas terbaik. Nikmati Momen Istimewa di Tomoro Abdul Majid Berlokasi strategis di lantai 1 Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence , Tomoro Abdul Majid salah satu fasilitas yang disediakan Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence untuk penghuni dan masyarakat sekitar menikmati secangkir kopi nikmat tanpa harus jauh-jauh keluar rumah. Apa yang membuat Tomoro Abdul Majid istimewa dibandingkan outlet lainnya? Interior Premium dan Nyaman Kami menggunakan sofa dan kursi kayu jati kualitas premium, langsung dipesan dari Jepara. Desain bernuansa putih yang elegan dipadukan dengan sentuhan natural kayu jati memberikan suasana cozy dan tenang. Tersedia area indoor ber-AC untuk kenyamanan maksimal, serta area outdoor yang cocok untuk kamu yang ingin menikmati kopi ...
Kawasan Fatmawati dan Cipete merupakan dua area premium di Jakarta Selatan yang banyak diminati oleh pekerja, mahasiswa, dan ekspatriat. Jika Anda sedang mencari hunian yang nyaman dengan akses strategis ke kedua lokasi ini, Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence adalah pilihan yang tepat. Kost ini tidak hanya menawarkan fasilitas lengkap, tetapi juga dikelola dengan manajemen profesional yang selalu sigap menangani kebutuhan penghuni. Pelayanan Profesional untuk Kenyamanan Maksimal Salah satu keunggulan Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence adalah pelayanan manajemen yang profesional. Contohnya, saat terjadi pemadaman listrik yang disebabkan oleh gangguan PLN, pihak manajemen langsung bergerak cepat. Kami tidak hanya melaporkan masalah ke PLN, tetapi juga memantau perbaikan hingga listrik kembali menyala, seperti yang terlihat dalam dokumentasi berikut: Lokasi Kost Fatmawati dan Cipete Strategis Terletak di kawasan Abdul Majid, kost ini berada di lokasi yang sangat...
Kamu sedang mencari kost di Cipete yang aman dan nyaman? Abdul Majid 25 urban Residence hadir sebagai pilihan kost Cipete yang menawarkan fasilitas lengkap dan modern, didukung pengelolaan profesional oleh pemilik sendiri. Terletak di Cipete , Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, kost Cipete ini berada dekat dengan pusat keramaian seperti Antasari , Kemang , Fatmawati , dan SCBD, membuat lokasi kost Cipete strategis untuk mereka yang beraktifitas di area Cipete. Baca juga artikel Kost Cipete di sini . Pengelolaan Kost Cipete Profesional dan Keamanan Terjamin. Pengelolaan Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence dilakukan langsung oleh pemilik, yang memastikan kenyamanan dan kualitas layanan terbaik untuk para penghuni. Dengan sistem security yang di bimbing langsung oleh aparat, penghuni bisa merasa lebih aman di lingkungan kost Cipete ini. Akses ke pintu utama juga dilengkapi kartu, memastikan hanya penghuni yang bisa masuk, menjaga keamanan dengan maksimal. Fasilitas Lengkap di Kost Cipet...
Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence menyediakan berbagai fasilitas menarik untuk rumah kost di kawasan Kemang. Tersedianya Coffee Shop Tomoro Abdul Majid dan AM 25 Coin Laundry yang berada di lantai 1 salah satunya. Area Kemang terkenal dengan suasana internasionalnya yang dinamis, dan Kost Kemang Urban Residence hadir sebagai hunian yang modern dan praktis di lingkungan Kemang. Lokasi kost Kemang yang dekat dengan cafe, restoran, dan tempat hiburan favorite, cocok untuk kamu yang ingin tinggal di area Jakarta Selatan. Fasilitas Rooftop sebagai ruang communal bersama untuk santai, dapur bersih yang modern, dan keamanan 24 jam membuat kost Kemang Urban Residence menjadi pilihan ideal untuk kamu yang sedang mencari tempat tinggal sementara di Jakarta. Baca juga rahasia Kost Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence yang aman dan nyaman disini . Kost Kemang Abdul Majid 25 Urban Residence memiliki dapur bersih yang lengkap, akses kartu di pintu utama untuk keamanan penghuni, menjad...